La sémiotique et ses Maîtres
Vous trouverez ci-dessous la liste alphabétique des sémioticiens et de nos invités d’honneur, qui interviendront aux conférences du congrès.
Cette liste n’est pas exhaustive; elle est régulièrement complétée suivant l’ordre dans lequel les chercheurs confirment leur participation au Congrès.
Ces conférences auront lieu dans l’Aula de la NUB (300 places).
Pour savoir plus sur l’ensemble de leurs travaux et les sujets qui seront abordés, veuillez suivre le lien
La sémiotique contemporaine: entre le sens et le sensible
What the humanities are for – a semiotic perspective
Semiotics as a Metalanguage for the Sciences
Semiosis and Human Understanding
Les passions de la valeur: culpabilité, honte, indignation
Semiótica y medios de sonido: una cultura intersticial
Forms of living and the semiotics of culture
(Presentation in French, PowerPoint and full text will be available in English)
Pragmatic language-games from Peirce to Wittgenstein
José Enrique Finol
On the Corposphere: body, eroticism and pornography
Semiotics and Hermeneutics: the debate between Algirdas G. Greimas and Paul Ricoeur
Semiotic individuation. From amoebae to humans
François Jost
Quelle relation au temps nous promettent les médias audiovisuels?
Gunther Kress
A sketch of a Social Semiotics: questions and directions
(with Ekaterina Velmezova)
Semiotics is taking form: through the eyes of ten top semioticians
Social Semiotics: For a Sociologically Grounded Semiotics
"General Semiotics” as the all-round interdisciplinary organizer ―― On General Semiotics(GS) vs. Philosophical Fundamentalism
Rocco Mangieri
New Approaches To Kinetics And Proxemics In Performing Arts
(nominee of the Bulgarian semiotic
Semiótica en los estudios multimodales. Estudios latinoamericanos
Semiotics as Critical Discourse
Semioethics as vocation of semiotics. In the wake of Welby, Morris, Sebeok, Rossi-Landi
Roland Posner
Ways of Understanding. Semiotics and Hermeneutics
The Quandary of Ethical Imagination: Paradoxes of Tradition and Innovation
Mastering phenomenological semiotics with Husserl and Peirce
Dicisigns - the Actuality of Peirce's Theory of Propositions
The Challenge of Existential Semiotics
Spaces of memory and trauma: a cultural semiotic perspective
In search of lost sense or the adventures of interpretation